FERN.Lab - Helmholtz Innovation Lab

Innovation & transfer of remote sensing research. Application-oriented & transdisciplinary.

We are a technology and innovation hub of the GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences. We harness the power of remote sensing research to address ecological, social and economic challenges. Through innovative method development, agile product development and capacity building we multiply the impact of science.


Geoscience & earth observation.
For sustainability.

Our proximity to leading scientists in the field of geosciences and earth observation facilitates the development of state of the art applications in nature conservation, infrastructure monitoring, smart farming and water management, using a wide range of remote sensing data.

Graphic showing different types of remote sensing satellites


Address pressing social and environmental challenges through the transfer of earth observation and remote sensing research


Unique network

We work with a broad network of companies, public authorities and NGOs acting as an expert intermediary to develop impactful solution.

Graphic showing FERN.Lab and its network to companies, NGOs and authorities