
Terms of Service

These Terms of Service apply to the Minimal Sampling Classifier MiSa.C., developed, hosted and maintained by FERN.Lab, GFZ Helmholtz Center for Geosciences, a Public Law Foundation under the laws of the Federal State of Brandenburg/Germany, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany, Mail: fernlab@gfz.de (in the following “GFZ”).

You must agree to the following Terms of Service to use MiSa.C for a testing period of 3 months:

1. What is MiSa.C?

The Minimal Sampling Classifier (MiSa.C) is an innovative web service for the classification of remote sensing raster image data, which allows the classification of complex surfaces in space and time.

MiSa.C is a three-step classification process via a web-app running in the cloud. Either via parameter tuning or through a threshold to control the delineation of the land cover class, MiSa.C assists users with different levels of expertise during the classification process.

The user has to upload data. There are two types of data:
Reference data
Satellite image stack

For the satellite image stack, the user also has the option to request the data via a download service, see 2. (b). GFZ reserves the right to terminate this download service without immediate effect and without giving reasons. You can download the results of the data you have uploaded as processed by our Services at the end of the processing from your workspace. Each user can create up to 15 workspaces.

2. Scope of license, third-party content

(a) Copyright and usage rights

The application consists of MiSa.C and the underlying Habitat Sampler (HaSa). MiSa.C and HaSA were created by employees of GFZ Hemholtz Centre for Geosciences. GFZ is the owner of all intellectual property rights to use and exploit MiSa.C and HaSa.

(b) Third party data or content

Data or works used within MiSa.C that are provided by third parties are marked with logos and/or intellectual property protection marks (like copyright sign or trademark). The copyright holder’s or data provider’s licenses indicated by the third parties for the data’s or works’ use have to be complied with.
For the satellite image stack, the user has the option to request the data via a download service by MiSa.C. The data is downloaded from
AWS open data: Sentinel-2 Optimized GeoTiffs to which the respective valid Terms and Conditions of the Copernicus Open Access Hub and the Legal Notice on the use of Copernicus Sentinel Data and Service Information apply that must be complied with by the user.
You are requested not to make the Sentinel-2 data downloaded on your request by the MiSa.C Services available for download elsewhere, neither to redistribute or to commercialize it or any derivatives of it.

Certain MiSa.C data layers, the base layers in the map, are subject to additional terms of use which you must comply with. These are
OpenStreetMap data available under the Open Database License, and ESRI data layers Terms of Use.

(c) Scope of license

Any use of the application and its data and/or copying, forwarding to third parties is prohibited, except when explicit permission is given by the copyright holder’s or data provider’s license.

Copyright protected material may be used only for personal purposes or informal or formal groups and in compliance with these Terms of Service. Data on MiSa.C, such as the Satellite data, is in many cases modified in such a way to allow for easier use. To obtain the original data you agree to request it directly with the author / copyright owner / institution responsible for the data.

(d) Copyright Attribution

You have to give copyright attribution accordingly when using the Service and publishing the contents in public or even for further internal use. You are not allowed to remove any copyright marks or license information.

(e) Citation

If You use the Services and/or data sets in a presentation or publication, for instance by linking in your website, then You have to acknowledge the Services as the source of the material. The Services or data sources can be cited as defined by the copyright attributions of the metadata of the Service or underlying datasets. You may not use the Services in a way that suggests any official status or that GFZ endorses any particular application of the Services by You. You may not mislead others or misrepresent the Services and its sources. All citation obligations for usage of third-party content like data must be complied with as well.

3. MiSa.C usage – obligations for users

When you use MiSa.C, you agree to and, where applicable, declare the following:

3.1. You are 18 years or older and you are legally authorized to conclude agreements under applicable laws;

3.2. You are authorized by your Organization to have and use an Account and to use MiSa.C. "Use" of MiSa.C for the purpose of these Terms and conditions also includes accessing it, uploading data and downloading data;

3.3. You shall use MiSa.C only for your own and/or your Organization’s purposes;

3.4. You shall provide at your own expense all hardware, internet service and other devices and times necessary for the use of MiSa.C;

3.5. You shall use MiSa.C in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and not in violation of any third-party rights; especially you are only allowed to upload third party- data for the processing Services of MiSa.C if those data are licensed to you for this purpose.

3.6. You shall not knowingly place incorrect or otherwise misleading or unlawful Content in MiSa.C;

3.7. When you add your details in your profile under your Account, you shall add your real details and keep them up to date (you can update your information at any time through your Account);

3.8. You shall keep your log-in details secure and will not share them with any other person, whether inside or outside your Organization;

3.9. You will not attempt any actions which could disturb or disrupt the working of MiSa.C, its systems, or of other users;

3.10. You are responsible for all activity occurring under your Account. If you believe your Account has been, or can be, accessed by an unauthorized person, you should immediately change your password and should notify us immediately by email at

3.11. You shall make sure the device on which you use your Account, and the internet connection used, are properly secured, so that unauthorized others cannot access your Account;

3.12. Neither you, nor your Organization are restricted from using MiSa.C, for example due to export controls in any jurisdiction and/or because you and/or your Organization are listed on a restricted parties list in any jurisdiction and/or if we have previously blocked your Account;

3.13. Neither you, nor anyone on your behalf shall use MiSa.C in a manner that would require us and/or you to obtain an export control license in any country. Such use includes without limitation training or use for weapons, whether biological, chemical, nuclear or otherwise and for any other military or nuclear devices;

3.14. You may not copy or distribute data, except where explicitly stated otherwise;

3.15. You may not send the same request multiple times in a short amount of time;

3.16. The Services provide data and information supplied by GFZ as well as obtained on the basis of data and software provided by third parties (“third party material”). When using the Services, you always have to observe the licenses of the third-party material as given by the third parties and give the according Copyright Contribution (see Art. II). In case of doubt about the allowed use, you must contact the copyright holder directly.

3.17. You may delete your Account at any time, in which case the data in your Account will also be deleted. Content you have added to MiSa.C will also be deleted. Prior notice is not necessary. GFZ reserves the right to delete your account once the 3 months testing period ends, as well as to limit the number of workspaces in your account to 15.

4. What can you expect of us?

4.1. We will try to answer your questions about MiSa.C as soon as possible but we currently do not provide ongoing support for MiSa.C in the sense that we can solve issues of individual Users.

4.2. We may decide at our discretion which functionality is offered in MiSa.C and we can update MiSa.C from time to time. You are welcome to send us improvement suggestions with respect to MiSa.C, but we cannot be obliged to implement suggestions.

4.3 Bug reports will be assessed in the shortest time possible, depending on staff availability.

5. Personal data, usage monitoring, and uploaded data

5.1. In order for us to offer you MiSa.C and make your Account available to you, we must process your personal data. Please find more information about the processing of your personal data in our Data Protection policy.

5.2. GFZ reserves the right to access, save and reveal information about users and all records pertaining to them in case of Terms of Service violations, illegal activity and inappropriate content. In case of expected (regular) use, GFZ is bound to protect users' personal data.

5.3. The MiSa.C system monitors and records data about access and the actions of its users. This data is handled in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act of Germany. This guarantees concealment of the users’ identity. In case GFZ finds inappropriate data violating valid laws in Germany we may pass these records on to the appropriate authorities.

5.4. GFZ only uses essential cookies to enhance user experience, but not to monitor users’ traffic on site. In the session storage of the user’s browser, GFZ uses cookies to store the following tokens for authentication proposes:

* access_token – Session cookie for logging in
* refresh_token – Session cookie for logged-in user

5.5. The MiSa.C-Services allows a only user free access to all content uploaded by this individual user. MiSa.C administrators are also able to access the data.

5.6. If you and/or your Organization have violated the GDPR, other applicable data protection and/or privacy legislation and/or this Section 4, you and your Organization indemnify and hold us harmless from the costs, damages and other losses we suffer as a result of such violation.

6. General Terms for System Availability

6.1. GFZ will not be held responsible for any loss of data incurred by irregularities of the Internet or hardware failure or software bugs.

6.2. GFZ will strive for the smooth operation of its systems and appropriately care for its data. In case of necessary maintenance of hardware and/or software where the system will be temporarily offline and/or incomplete, a notice will be posted beforehand announcing maintenance work.

6.3. GFZ reserves the right to terminate access to the web page at any time for short maintenance work. GFZ strives to do all maintenance work at off-peak hours, if possible. In case of natural disasters GFZ is not liable for data loss, s. also 8.

7. When can we block or delete your account?

7.1. We reserve the right to temporarily block or permanently remove your Account if:

• We find that you are in violation of one or more provisions of these Terms of Service;
• We are asked to do so by competent authorities, including competent courts;
• You have passed away;
• You are a Maintainer of an organization and no longer work for that Organization.
• The 3 months period of time ends.

We may, but do not have to, warn you before we block your account.

7.2 GFZ reserves the right to limit the number of workspaces in your account to 15 workspaces.

7.3. After the 3 months testing period, if the user wants to use MiSa.C, the user needs to make a request for a new testing account. If the request is done within an existing 3 months testing account, the workspaces will be kept.

7.4. After your Account has been blocked (and deleted), you can no longer use MiSa.C or your Account.

8. Warranty

8.1 We provide the Services with the functionalities and other specifications “as is”. To the extent permitted under applicable law, we do not give any warranty or representation of any kind with regard to the Services, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, full functionality, that it is free from errors or that it operates 24/7, the implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, results or performance of a service, accuracy, completeness, quality, topicality, the absence of any infringement of any proprietary rights of third parties or that the servers that make the Services available are free of viruses or other harmful components.

8.2 We reserve the right at any time to change or discontinue any aspect or feature of the offered Services, including, without limitation, the content, hours of availability, and equipment needed for accessing or using the services, as well as to terminate the Services themselves.

8.3 We explicitly don’t give any warranty regarding third party Data or Content processed by or contributed to the Services provided on third party websites, i.e. satellite data by Copernicus Open Access Hub. The respective data provider remains solely liable under applicable law for their Data or Content.

8.4 We are also not responsible for the accuracy and authenticity of data obtained from third parties, like authors, copyright holders, authorized institutions, or user uploads.

8.5 GFZ does not warrant the accuracy of data layers rendered on MiSa.C’s map. This is the responsibility of data providers specified in the layer information tab. To the best of our knowledge, data uploaded/inserted/edited will be accurate and correct. If GFZ finds inaccuracy in data, we reserve the right to modify it in any way or delete it from the system.

8.6 Users of MiSa.C use the application at their own risk. Any download from MiSa.C is at your own risk. GFZ will not be held responsible for damage to hardware and/or software and loss of data as a result of the use of data.

9. Liability

9.1 To the extent permitted under applicable law, we, as well as the parties and persons we work with in relation to MiSa.C, limit our liability as set out below.

9.2 We shall only be liable for wilful misconduct and gross negligence. For slight negligence, we shall only be liable in the event of breach of a material contractual obligation (cardinal obligation), the fulfilment of which is essential for the proper performance of the contract and on the enhancement of which You may regularly rely, as well as in the event of damage resulting from injury to life, limb or health or statutory liability.

9.3 In no event shall we be liable to You for any incidental, consequential or indirect damages (including, but not limited to, damages for loss of data, loss of business revenue, loss of business information, reputational damage, cost of procurement of substitute services or service interruptions, damage caused by or to other Users and/or to Contributors) arising out of the use or inability to use the Services.

9.4 We are not liable for damage as a result of force majeure events. This includes amongst others errors in telecommunications infrastructure or the internet, problems with operating system manufacturer of your device, problems with our suppliers, service providers or other hired third parties, government measures, agents or suppliers which we depend on to make the Services available.

9.5 The data provider remains solely liable under applicable law for the data that are integrated to the Services. Therefore, You shall in all cases be entirely and solely liable for the use to which You put such data, information and third party Content.

9.6 To the extent permitted by applicable laws, you are responsible for any claims from others that we receive, and which are the result of you not complying with these Terms of Service, or any other of your acts or omissions.

9.7 In any event we can only be liable for damage after we have been served a written notice of default, setting out the default in detail and allowing us a reasonable remedy term of at least four weeks to remedy the default, and if we have then not remedied the default within such term.

10. Changes to the Terms of Service, Severability Clause

10.1 MiSa.C reserves the right to change these Terms of Service at any time. You agree to abide by the most recent version of this. In case of changes to the Terms of Service information will be posted on the main MiSa.C web page prior to their taking effect and the user will be notified by an email from fernlab@gfz.de.

10.2 In case a provision of these Terms of Use is invalid in any way, this does not influence the other provisions of the Terms of Use. The invalid provision will be deemed replaced by a provision that is valid, in view of its original intent and purpose. We will update our Terms of Use as soon as possible.

11. Applicable Law, Jurisdiction

11.1 The Laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply to these Terms of Use, under exception of the regulations of the Convention of International Sales of Goods.

11.2 To the extent permitted by law, the courts of Potsdam, Germany, shall have jurisdiction with regard to any conflicts between Users and us.

12. How can you contact us?

If you have any questions or complaints or another reason to contact us, please do so at: fernlab@gfz.de.